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TimeTabling Courses

EDITE Singapore is partnering with Escentral (UK) to provide timetabling training courses for both new and experienced members of staff in the higher and further education sectors in SE Asia. Please see the following for more detailed information on the courses/modules.


Courses can be off-the-shelf or bespoke/customised specifically for your institution!

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Why TimeTabling Training?

With growing demands of scheduling and resource management, many staff are now facing higher level of pressure to deliver effective and optimised schedules in greater constraints. 


From Basic Timetabling requirements to advanced problem solving areas, we are able to provide standard courses or to even customise a bespoke program for your institution and staff.


Go to Starter Course!

Get certified as a Timetabler! Go to Advanced Course!

Starter Course

This is a full online training video course combined with a 30 mins in-person Timetabler group consultation.


Module 1: What is a university timetable

Module 2: The timetabler's role

Module 3: What is the curriculum and why it matters to timetablers

Module 4: Timetable data data data

Module 5: Solving the puzzle

Module 6: Building relationships

Module 7: Timetable data management

Module 8: The timetabling cycle

Module 9: Communicating effectively


Click this link to access the course.

Starter Couse

Advanced Modules

Get Certified!!! Upon completion of Level 1, 2 and 3, each person gains "UK Timetabling CPD Certification"; a professional UK training accreditation that is recognised across sectors. Examples of other CPD training providers include, the University of Oxford, Kings College London, and the University of Cambridge. 


Level 1

Course and Delivery structures, Timetabling Constraints, Engaging in meetings and Negotiating solutions, Problem Solving and Summary.


Level 2

Data Relationships, Influencing and understanding stakeholders, dealing with challenging situations, Problem Solving.


Level 3

Timetabling Cycle 1, Creating a scheduling plan, Timetabling Cycle 2, Creating the best timetable you can

Advanced Mdules

Meet The EsCentral Team

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Ben Moreland

Ben works on developing the business and services we offer as well as supporting the team. He has 12 years of timetabling experience and a passion for helping people become the best they can be.

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David Reanney

With over 15 years of experience within a space planning context, David has a particular interest in the nexus between scheduling, space management and forecasting. During this span David has moved his practise in planning from a highly effective operational focus, to an increased delivery in tactical and strategic outputs and integrating this into capital and service planning.

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Svetlana Khalif

Following her 28 years of timetabling and education management experience Svetlana has a keen interest in creative solutions for complex problems. Acting as a link between the academic community, facilities management and other parts of the university administration, Svetlana works to break down stereotypes and sylos, fostering positive and respectful working relationships at all levels in the organisation.

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Judy Voykovic

Always up for a challenge, Judy is our timetabling data geek. She enjoys problem solving and communicating ideas, thriving on a challenge and the opportunity to use her initiative at a strategic level. Judy has worked in HE for most of her career in Australia, New Zealand and more recently, the UK. You will benefit from her 25 years plus of timetabling experience, strategic project management and enthusiasm for good data management.

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